Getting search engine traffic can be a challenging thing if not done correctly, or if your website isn’t optimized at all. So this article intends on increasing your knowledge on how to get more search engine traffic without you playing the guessing game on how things work.
Here are 18 tips for boosting your rankings and getting more traffic from your houston seo firm efforts:
TIP #1: Make sure that your site has valuable and helpful information and content that users will benefit from
TIP #2: Select and pick non-competitive keywords for your site that users are searching for. You can do so using Google’s free keyword suggestion tool.
TIP #3: Insert your main keyword into the first paragraph of each web page of your site, and scatter evenly the rest of your keywords throughout your page. Also insert your main keyword into the title of your webpage so that search engines and users can find your webpage more easily.
TIP #4: Insert your keywords into the meta tags of your webpage
TIP #5: Make your website simple so that the search engine robots and users alike can easily navigate throughout your site
TIP #6: Submit your website to the search engines and best website directories. Make sure you do this manually and don’t bulk submit your website.
TIP #7: Monitor your search engine positions and get high-quality backlinks to your website using article marketing.
TIP #8: Stay on top of the marketplace in terms of any new needs and wants of your prospects and customers. Include this into the design and navigation of your website, and also change main and secondary keywords if necessary.
TIP #9: Stay on top of your competitors and monitor any changes. If they made any changes to their site and keywords, then this may mean that a new want or need is apparent in your niche, and that you should adapt to it too.
TIP #10: Study the logs of your website to see how you are getting traffic to your website. If you find that most of your users are finding you through the search engines via a particular term, then create more pages around this keyword and adjust accordingly.
TIP #11: After you’re getting traffic to your website via the search engines, don’t just settle for traffic. Try your best to get sales. Offer them a chance to opt-in to your email newsletter. Offer discounts to subscribers. Offer coupons or free ebooks that help to educate your reader on a particular subject.
TIP #12: Continue to write more articles to article directories to increase your exposure. This will also help you to get high quality one-way backlinks from relevant sites – which is great for improving your search engine rankings. Link to these articles from your blog and social networking and social bookmarking accounts to get more exposure.
TIP #13: Submit your website to more website directories. This will help to increase the number of backlinks to your website, which will help to boost your search engine rankings.
TIP #14: Make it easy for your customers to buy. Don’t get so focused on SEO that you forget the basics of selling. Remember why you’re in business in the first place. Offer Paypal or another well-known merchant as a payment option on your site for easy purchasing.
TIP #15: Market your site on YouTube. YouTube is growing to become one of the largest search engines also, so don’t neglect the vast amounts of potential traffic there.
TIP #16: Continue to update your web pages frequently as the search engine robots will visit your site periodically to see if anything has changed. Also continue to add new content to your site so that you can get more pages out there in the internet world for users to see.
TIP #17: Trade links with other websites. This is considered a two-way backlink, and is still effective for increasing your search engine rankings.
TIP #18: Create a blog and start blogging about the social issues in your niche. This is a great way to grow a fan base and to start interacting with your visitors. You should also include a link back to your website from your blog to add another backlink for your website.
Also, use the “blogging and pinging” technique to get your blog found relatively fast. You will also want to promote any products or services that you have on your blog too.
That’s it, and I hope these 18 SEO tips will boost your online revenue starting today.