Underlayment is essential for any parquet or laminate flooring. It is even mandatoryif your subfloor is made of concrete because the underlay will prevent it from moisture and damp it from impacting your flooring. Plus, it will enhance its resistance and durability. This solution smoothens out your flooring for a prettier surface.Other advantage of an underlay for laminate or wooden flooring: it is an efficient thermal and acoustic insulator.
The Perfect Underlay for Laminate and Wood Flooring
The choice of the underlay depends on the type of wood. If you opt for a man-made material like an engineered wood, you will certainly get a floating floor. You will then have to fit the underlay and the parquet correctly. But the best part is that this kind of flooring is compatible with almost any underlay. Besides, it brings warmth and light to your floor and therefore to your room. Solid wood will be more resistant. The sanding of the parquet as well as its polishing, varnishing and renovation allow you to keep a quality soil. Laminate flooring will be easy and quick to install. But the main reason why you should adopt for this solution is to make your floor more resistant. It is therefore aparameter not to be neglected.
Indispensable when laying your parquet, the underlay should give protection and the best insulation for laminate flooring. And a laminate requires other type of undercoat than an engineered wood if you want to make the best of it. It is important to pick the most efficient one. Of course, it must have a soundproofing effect and a thermal insulation so that you can enjoy maximum comfort at home. Depending on your needs, you can hire an installer or two, unless you prefer doing it yourself.
The Importance of the Quality of the Underlay
Every covering needs padding and it is also the case for laminate and wood flooring. Selecting the right laminate and parquet underlayment is almost as essential as the choice of the quality of the floor itself. That is why most manufacturers of this type of flooring usually recommend buyers what padding to use they want a warranty. Thus, a damage will bemore expensive and harder to fix.
It is better to purchase a model with a built moisture barrier, even if it is just in case.Although,you should notice that this kind of flooring does not provide adequate noise reduction. So,it is not really recommended if you have kids or teenagers who make a lot of noise all day long. On the other hand, concrete floors above a cellar or a draughty place underneath often needs a better quality underlay with a moisture barrier.