Without SEO, what do you think you’re building with?
I’ve never seen a building that was built from the roof down. I know that sounds ridiculous, but that is exactly the way many website owners think they can build one. We spend hours and days trying to get traffic to our sites without building from the ground up! Unless the foundation is laid, there’s nothing that you can drive a nail into.
I’ve done everything from article submission to social media to videos, to try and drive traffic to my sites and get a higher page rank. Guess what happened? Very little!
Then, I decided to do SEO on two sites, but never really did anything else to get traffic… I did nothing of any consequence on these sites like I did with the others and yet, I started seeing a higher page ranking!
SEO is the absolute most powerful thing you can do to build the foundation of any website!
When I checked back on these two sites months later, I couldn’t believe that one site had a page rank of 2! A Page rank of 2 and I never added any more content, added no more links, had made NO changes whatsoever and yet I now had a Page Rank 2! Do you see the power of seo consultant?
If you already have a site that is ranking, but have not fully done the SEO on all pages of the site, you will be pleasantly surprised at how much difference it makes. It could take you up 2 or more page ranks very quickly.
What’s the real reason most people don’t want to do SEO?
Simple… it’s work and it’s complicated to remember every little detail that needs to be done to get it perfect! Anytime it’s complicated and takes too much effort, most of us just don’t do it!
If I told you that there is an easy way to get the job done and get your web or blog pages fully optimized so the search engines just love your site, would that sound good to you? It sure did to me, but that’s not what really got me excited about using SEO to maximize my rankings.
I bought an expensive SEO suite of search engine optimization tools for my html sites and it requires a constant monthly fee to use. I hate monthly fees!
Well, if you use WordPress themes for your blogs or websites, which you should, then this plugin for SEO will absolutely be the best news for you since “sliced bread!” (In fact, I’m using it right now as I write this article!) Every time I add to the article, I simply save the draft and look at my SEO score on the right SEO pressor score box!
I know exactly how the SEO spiders will look at my page. It even does many tasks for me automatically, like bold my keywords, italicize my keywords and underline my keywords, without me having to lift a finger!
It’s like having a SEO professional walking me through “every step” of my article, so I get it just right! It is without a doubt, one of the very best values I’ve spent money on since starting in this business!